Saturday, October 03, 2009

There's at least one Honorable man in prison...

Of course you know the news, our friend Wally Andersen has been sentenced to 15 months in prison on one charge, and 9 on the other (he plead guilty to) and both sentences will be served concurrently.

This means a maximum incarceration of 15 months, with parole eligibility usually occurring when 1/3rd the sentence has been served. This will likely mean Mr. Andersen's release will take place on 1st of March 2010.

As Mr. Andersen poses no risk to the public safety and as it would be a savings to the taxpayer, I believe house arrest or a suspended sentence would have better served the common good. The shame Mr. Andersen will carry with him is sentence enough. And if you knew Wally Andersen, you would certainly agree.

These are my thoughts, and I know opinions vary... but I think it is SICK beyond belief that violent offenders get a slap on the wrist and released back into the general population every day in Newfoundland and Labrador by the same judiciary who feels the need to incarcerate a man like Wally Andersen.

Wally Andersen is not the only one who should be feeling some shame.


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