Thursday, February 17, 2011

When the Levee Breaks...(CYFS)

For two reasons today, Child Youth and Family "Services" are in the news.

First, because they are seeking a publication ban on the whole Rodgers' family persecution, so they can cover their asses and not have their own incompetence exposed.

Second, again connected to the whole Rodgers' family discriminatory draconian action and psychological, because the very psychologist they are basing this abuse of the parents and children on is of questionable ability!!!

When the levee breaks and can no longer hold this back, it is CYFS who are going to get drenched and I certainly hope that includes the previous minister.

The only one guilty of "mental and psychological" abuse to those children and their parents is the very social workers from CYFS, their "managers" "supervisors" and "directors"... and the former minister, Joan Burke who was there when this began.

BTW, the psychologist in question is in Stephenville, where former Minister of CYFS Joan Burke "practiced" Social Work. This seems all a bit too tangly and close for comfort, at least for the comfort of any of us who are parents.


Blogger Peter L. Whittle said...

Good post Ward. The dam is going to bust.

Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:13:00 PM  

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