Tuesday, October 06, 2009

She Ain't no Yvonne Jones!!

Siobhan Coady Given Shadow Cabinet Position

This is about the funniest thing I have heard in weeks!! Now there are several possibilities...

1.Siobhan is an empty vessel with no opinions of her own.
2. Ms. Coady is an automaton, who has yet to make a statement showing her to be anything but a LIberal Koolaid drinker and devout follower of all things red.
3. The position is hilarious because it means nothing.
4. Ms. Coady will do nothing with the position except read what questions Iggy's staffers ask her to.
5. Ms. Coady is the best NL has to offer and capable of doing a better job of taunting the Tories than Todd Russell...or Scott Simms.
6. All the above!
7. None of the above!

You can decide for yourselves!! But I'll tell you one thing: Ms. Coady is no Yvonne Jones or Todd Russell. And I'll tell you something else. I've been really impressed with Yvonne Jones the past 6 months.


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