My most recent last post here in the Blog-o-sphere relayed to you my concerns about turning our national sporting event into a cheap political opportunity seized by no that's not it... oh yes, the bleeding heart leftists amongst us.
This was almost scary, how prophetic it was to bellyache about their wayward ways in light of the fact that since then, it's all going downhill at 90 miles per hour.
Must read:
"Nicole Turmoil" is what she's being called these days. Yes, the same woman that Lorraine Michael and her NDP cohorts had the gall to bring to the Royal Regatta just this past week... one of the Kebec Pequists who is NOT one of our friends. One who supports the re-drawing of the boundaries of our Labrador to take thousands of hectares of OUR LANd from us.
And so, what do you expect happens under ons of her kind? Naturally, the NDP is staring to tank. Expect many of those new moronic MPs elected under God-knows-what brain fart by thew Quebec Electorate back in May, to migrate to their immediate left- the good old Block Q.
You know, I remember a day when I was very comfortable with how politics ran. The Conservatives were clearly just right of center, and the Liberals were just slightly on center wavering slightly right and left by a degree or two at times but not enough to upset anyone or any world power. It was a simpler time... a more stable time.
I certainly hope the Liberals seize this opportunity to come to their senses, toss out the special interests and not be just one of those lefty fringe parties in the group that admits the tinfoil hatted idiots amongst us. STAND UP for something again, dammit! If you wish to be the party of big business, so be it. But admit it and distance yourselves from the wing-nut pinko-commies in the orange crush who are really sky-blue and blood-red underneath.
It can't be just Steve and his idealogues on one side and a host of lefties on the other side. There has to be some common sense and moderation somewhere. It's a pretty extreme left leaning rabble of failed parties that make Harper's Conservative Party look almost center-left in today's political landscape but that's what's happening.
Look, I admit to being conservative in nature. Some would say I'm a blue-liberal. That's fine with me. But this pretense of the left has got to be exposed for what it really is. It's the fringe elements of society, all 5% of them huddled together fooling the disenfranchised 25% into believing they belong with them on the fringe and such is not the case.
Please, Liberals. Get your act together over the next 4 years and return to what you were under Pearson... and kick the trash to the curb where it belongs.