Monday, November 29, 2010

What a load of racket going on...

First of all, let me take a moment to publicly thank Mr. Danny Williams for his years of public service and his dedication to our province. I am rather sad to see him leave so abruptly, considering the considerable power vacuum it leaves behind and the apparent lack of a real leader, and heir apparent, within caucus. I hope they give consideration to candidates outside the current political ranks. Ed Marin comes to mind, as do others.

On the lower churchill phase-1 development, I think its well past due. I do agree with the LMN's concerns about it being "our power" also and think that the best provision they could make would be to power the entire south coast of Labrador first and let it be free of charge, as a way of giving us our new dawn.

On blog scuttle... I continue to find certain bloggers who rarely leave the house or interact with normal life to have very little grasp on reality and spend most of their time shooting at others as if they are entitled to. Must be a Liberal thing, this sense of entitlement.

How about this year-long strike in Marystown? All this over "designation"? Come on, folks, be sensible. jobs are hard to come by. Be thankful you have one and that you even got a pay rise.

(Since we all have family in "town") And metro-bus in St. John's/Mount Pearl? I mean, really. Again, be thankful you have such a secure job... one that is subsidized heavily by the cities on the Avalon. This again, isn't about pay... but about status and benefits. Benefits most of us can only dream of. As I pay $200 for braces, hundreds for this that and the other thing that they already certainly makes me a little upset, being one of those who subsidizes these bus drivers.

Also, one of my favorite blogs, Peter Whittle's "" is currently inaccessible. If there's a blog you wish to read each day, make it that one.

Anyhow, I don't post very often here... I'm going to try and change that. I've neglected this due to personal reasons and my lack of stomach for trolls out there.

I trust you're all well and wishing for sufficient snow to get out on the machines soon!


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