Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are they COMPLETELY insane?

What a whack-job of a land we live in when "animal rights" tie up the court system and seem to take priority over human rights. I mean seriously people, they are CATS. And like all other animals they have young - not babies. And they are not people. They are not persons. They do not have personalities. They do not have human rights. True, someone maliciously hurting pets has obvious mental issues... but then it's a matter of dealing with the individual in a productive manner. Not a criminal trial.

This is a slippery slope. According to the VEGAN nutcases out there, I am a cruel animal rights abuser BECAUSE I EAT MEAT, EGGS and WEAR LEATHER!! You must remember, the same fringe element of society that has pushed us over the edge of insanity and past the age of reason are the ones who "fight for animal rights" would end our seal hunt.

THESE TWITS WOULD EVEN BAN FISHING!!!! It says so in their own literature. I have a copy of it here!

Now, in that context, read this story and notice the CBC is not allowing comments.

Cats' Abuse Trial


Blogger Peter L. Whittle said...

Hey ward, better watch out you might get in trouble for preaching hate against cats.

See you at the R&T later

Thursday, August 11, 2011 12:50:00 PM  
Blogger Ward Pike said...

I lie awake at night looking up at the ceiling wondering when the cat police will show up & charge me with thought crimes...Conspiracy Against Felinity is what expect will be first.

Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:21:00 PM  

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