A few important notes caught my attention these past 24 hours...
My very good friend
Peter Whittle has been telling us for over a month now that Yvonne Jones was going to resign as leader of the Liberal party... well, leastwise he thoght it was likely. And despite all the denials, sure enough... he was right.
Yvonne Jones steps "aside" is the headline on VOCM, Telegram and the Canadian Brainwashing Corpse's sites... you guess it sounds nicer than saying she steps down or resigns? I guess along with you that you are correct and she has certainly garnered enough goodwill and respect in handling the toughest political job in NL history. AND fighting breast cancer whilst doing it too. Not for the weak or faint amongst us. I'm surprised she held on as long as she did and she is to be commended now.
But this begs the question... who is the next NLLP leader? Dean MacDonald? He's made it clear he's not quite ready for the job YET, so then the speculation turns to Lawyer Bern Coffey. He could very well be the nicest guy in the world and a smart feller too, but I can't help but roll my eyes and sigh loudly and then mutter under my breath
for God's sake! Not ANOTHER lawyer!!
Do you know what I mean? Clyde Wells, Danny Williams, half the cabinets from Joey Smallwood onwards. Actually, back farther than that. Why are there so many lawyers in politics, in government?? What about the rest of us in other professions? Don;'t we have just as much right to the chair?
It seems to be that the greatest accomplishments in the world are by under-educated self-made men and women. The entrepreneurs amongst us. Those who scrimp and save to get enough money together to start a small business and then sacrifice and put in every waking moment they can to make certain their business succeeds. That's what I'd rather have at the helm of any political party or government.
But the quest for real leadership doesn't stop there... hearken unto this:
Obama's Presidentialness, for want of a better word, wears off
And of course, they have trouble over there in Canada with their Liberal and NDP leaders and what-not as well.
Where are the leaders? What is keeping them out of running for political office? Could it be the media today? Could it be how nothing is sacred or private anymore and no one with any pride wants that kind of scrutiny or pressure on their family?
I suppose, it could be.