I just finished reading an article on VOCM news about how Kelvin Parsons is unimpressed with the cabinet shuffle (as if he would speak positively about it, come on now people!). I've printed the article below...
But here's what occurs to me:
Is Kathy Dunderdale trying to so over-burden and bury Joan Burke in work that doesn't get done that she will quit cabinet altogether? Friends of mine in her riding suggest one of the best things that could happen to the Stephenville-Bay St. George area would be for her to quit politics altogether as they find her completely ineffective and out of touch with reality.
I concur. My few dealings with Burke have been nothing more than exercises in futility with someone who has the brain power of a 10th grader in "Special Education". I.E. Pointless circular discussions with someone who doesn't give a flying fig.
From VOCM's website...
Liberals unimpressed with Cabinet ShuffleShawn Skinner is the new Natural Resources minister, but Premier Kathy Dunderdale indicates she is keeping some hands-on involvement, especially in the Lower Churchill project. She says she's passionate about the Lower Churchill project and calls it an important project to the people of the province.
Skinner is also the Minister Responsible for the Forestry and AgriFoods Industry. Susan Sullivan is taking on Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, including Minister Responsible for the Rural Secretariat while also becomes Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. Sullivan will keep her responsibilities with Francophone Affairs. Joan Burke has been appointed the Acting Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment, Minister Responsible for Persons with Disabilities as well as the Labour Relations Agency, Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission, and Youth Engagement. Burke will keep her role as Minister of Child, Youth and Family Services.
The Liberals don't think much of the cabinet shuffle. Party leader Kelvin Parsons is concerned that Joan Burke, who heads up the developing department of Child, Youth and Family Services, will also be taking on Human Resources, Labour and Employment. Parsons feels that's too much for one minister to handle.
NDP Leader Lorraine Michael would prefer to see Dunderdale distance herself from the previous PC administration and put her own stamp on the government.